Poker is a game of skill, strategy and calculated risks. Among the many crucial decisions players face is determining when to go all-in in poker or, as it’s commonly termed, “shove.” The all-in move can be a game-changer, either catapulting you to victory or sealing your fate at the table or even when you’re playing online poker.
In this guide on how to play poker, you’ll explore the different types of shoving in poker, the benefits of going all-in and tips to help you successfully execute this high-stakes move.
Understanding the Shove
Before diving into the intricacies of shoving, it’s essential to grasp the concept of going all-in in poker. When a player decides to shove, they are putting all their chips into the pot, leaving themselves with no further betting options. It is a bold and aggressive move that can put immense pressure on opponents and shape the dynamics of the hand.
How Often Should You Shove?

Given how powerful a move it is, you might consider doing it all the time. Especially when you consider that No-Limit Hold’em means exactly that, there are no limits to your betting options and you can go all-in on every hand.
While shoving all-in in poker can be an effective strategy at times, employing it relentlessly is not a sustainable approach and may force you to deviate from your strategy. Initially, players may fold unless they have premium hands, but as you continue to shove repeatedly, opponents will adjust and consider calling with stronger holdings.
The hand requirement for a call diminishes over time, increasing the likelihood of being called and becoming an underdog. Ultimately, relying solely on the “shove every hand” strategy will lead to losing your stack and falling short in the game.
Is There a Right Time To Shove?
The optimal timing for shoving in poker varies among players and situations. Shoving, or going all-in, can serve various purposes, such as doubling up or testing opponents.
Knowing when to shove is a delicate balance that relies on factors such as stack sizes, position, table dynamics and your opponents’ playing styles. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, here are a few general guidelines.
- Shove when your stack size is shallow and the blinds and antes are significant relative to your remaining chips.
- Consider shoving when the table is tight and your opponents are more likely to fold to aggression.
- Avoid shoving recklessly and aim to preserve fold equity and chip utility by picking your spots wisely.
The Different Types of Shoving in Poker
Take a look at the different types of shoves before you start considering how to shove.
1. Open Shove
The open shove occurs when a player is the first to act and decides to go all-in right from the start. This move is often seen in late-stage tournaments or when the player’s chip stack is critically low. The open shove aims to take advantage of opponents’ cautious play and potentially steal the blinds and antes without a showdown. Shoving preflop can also be a risky tactic, especially if you’re called and you’re unable to implement a c-betting strategy because you’re all-in.
2. Re-Shove
The re-shove, also known as a “squeeze play,” happens when a player observes a raise and subsequent calls and then decides to make a substantial re-raise, going all-in. The re-shove exploits the original raiser’s presumed weaker range and puts immense pressure on the other players who called the initial raise. This move requires precise timing and a good understanding of opponents’ tendencies.
3. Back Shove
A back shove occurs when a player, who initially called a bet or a raise, decides to shove all in on a later street. This move is often used as a bluff or semi-bluff when the player senses weakness or believes their opponent is unlikely to have a strong hand. The back shove can force opponents to fold, particularly if they have a marginal or vulnerable hand.
4. The Bubble Shove
The bubble shove is a strategic move employed in poker tournaments when the remaining players are close to reaching the money payout or a significant pay jump. By leveraging the fear of elimination, the player shoves all-in to put pressure on opponents and increase their chances of accumulating chips without facing resistance.
How To Shove in Poker

When executing a shove, it’s crucial to consider your objectives and the specific circumstances of the hand. Here are three common scenarios for shoving and the strategies associated with each.
1. Shoving as a Bluff
Shoving as a bluff, or bluff shove, involves going all-in with a weaker hand to make opponents fold their stronger holdings. This move requires a solid understanding of your opponents’ tendencies and the ability to read their likely range of hands. Bluff shoving is most effective when you have a tight table image and your opponents are more likely to give you credit for a strong hand.
2. Shoving as a Semi-Bluff
Shoving as a semi-bluff occurs when you have a drawing hand that has a reasonable chance of improving to a strong hand. By going all-in, you put pressure on opponents and give yourself two ways to win: either they fold or you hit your draw and win at showdown. This move can be particularly effective in situations where your hand has significant equity and your opponents are likely to fold a portion of their range.
3. Shoving for Value
Shoving for value involves going all-in with a strong hand to extract maximum value from opponents. This move is appropriate when you have a hand that is likely to be ahead of your opponents’ ranges and you believe they will call with weaker holdings. It is essential to assess the table dynamics, your opponents’ tendencies and the size of the pot to determine the optimal value-shoving range.
Three Tips for Successful Shoving
1. Understand Your Opponents
Pay close attention to your opponents’ tendencies, including their likelihood to fold, call or raise in response to aggressive plays. This knowledge will help you determine the optimal situations to shove. Even the most seasoned professionals have folded under the pressure of a shove.
2. Assess Stack Sizes
Evaluate your stack size in comparison to the blinds, antes and the average stack at the table. Adjust your shoving range accordingly, considering both your risk of elimination and potential gains.
3. Maintain a Balanced Strategy
Avoid becoming predictable by incorporating a balanced range of shoving hands. This ensures that your opponents cannot exploit your strategy and makes it more challenging for them to make accurate decisions against your all-in moves.
Test Your Mettle With BetMGM
The art of the all-in or shove in poker is a high-stakes decision that can drastically impact your tournament success or cash game results. By understanding the different types of shoving, mastering when and how to execute the move and incorporating strategic tips, you can enhance your poker arsenal and elevate your game to new heights. Register with BetMGM to test your newfound poker skill and see if shoving is all it’s cracked up to be.
Mastering shoving (all-in) in poker has the potential for triumph and defeat. Explore types of shoving, how to go all-in and when to shove successfully.