Bluffing in its most basic form can be as simple as indicating hand strength without a strong hand. The semi-bluff, on the other hand, takes some of that bluff but backs it up with pot odds and outs.
Semi-bluffing is not as risky as an outright bluff, but it can be more expensive to achieve the desired result. It requires some commitment, both physically and mentally, as the player can feel compelled to follow through with the semi-bluff whether it turns into a winning hand or a complete bluff.
How to Bluff in Poker
The basic goal of a bluff in poker is to make an opponent believe that the player’s hand is something other than what it actually is. Most often, a player will bluff to make other players believe that their hand is strong when it is not. However, it can be used in almost any situation to disguise the real strength – or weakness – of a hand.
A bluff can take place during any round of betting. Generally, since any hand can improve on the board, the core bluff begins after the flop. If the player misses the flop but bets or raises anyway, that is a pure bluff. If they missed the turn as well but continued the bluff, it’s called a double-barrel bluff, as they doubled down on it. And if that player continues on through a missed river, it is a triple-barrel bluff.
New players often experiment with the bluff, but to take that game to the next level, it might be time to dive into the best poker bluffing strategies for pros.
There is always risk involved in bluffing, but players who gamble understand and enjoy a certain amount of risk. It is the double and triple barrel bluffing that takes more courage but can pay off in big pots if successful.
Understanding the Semi-Bluff in Poker
The semi-bluff is somewhat less risky than a complete bluff. What separates a semi-bluff from its purer form is that the player doing it has outs. It is not a total bluff, as there are possibilities of turning those hole cards into a truly winning hand on the turn and/or river.
Semi-bluffs are most often in play with straight draws or flush draws. Say the hero player gets involved with an ace of hearts and four of diamonds as their hole cards. That is a reasonable hand – opponent and position dependent, of course – to get involved with pre flop. When the flop shows all hearts but no ace or four, the player can semi-bluff. (There is value in the flush draw, especially chasing the nut flush, as well as hitting an ace. This makes a bet or raise a semi-bluff.)
There are several positive outcomes possible by using the semi-bluff wisely:
- An opponent believes that the semi-bluffer holds two hearts and hit the flush on the flop, so he or she folds. The player wins the pot.
- An opponent has one heart as well and calls the bet to chase the flush. Even if he or she hits a flush on the turn or river, the player with the ace will have the nut flush and win the pot.
- No one makes a flush, but the semi-bluffer makes a pair – or even two pair or trips – on the turn or river. That player still wins the pot when no one hits a flush or a better hand.
Integrating Semi-Bluffs into Your Poker Strategy
Bluffs take practice. Semi-bluffs also take practice. A player should always start using the semi-bluff when in position and only try an out-of-position semi-bluff with some experience under their belt.
The best thing about a semi-bluff is that there are outs. The hand may develop into a winner. However, if the hand does not develop, there is the option to fold or to turn the hand into a pure bluff. The ability to complete this depends upon one’s table image and the calling range of their opponent(s), but it is something with which to experiment.
For someone who has never used a semi-bluff, it is best to do it at a table where the bluffer has a tight – or at least somewhat tight – table image. Make sure to be in a good position as well. Take lessons from the success or failure of that semi-bluff and then start opening the range with which a semi-bluff might work.
Experience the Best in Online Poker at BetMGM
Ideally, the most inexpensive way to experiment with any bluff but specifically the semi-bluff is at the micro stakes or low stakes cash game tables at a reliable online poker site. This gives some freedom to succeed and fail, not to mention to be able to examine the hand histories from that session, to analyze and move forward.
Play online poker today at a legal and reliable site like BetMGM Poker.
To take your online poker game to the next level, learn the method of semi-bluffing and what separates it from its purer form.