As most online poker players know, the key to success is keeping your opponents guessing. This means constantly changing up your strategy, trying new things and learning from the outcome of each game you play. If you like to play poker online and spend time studying the ins and outs of the best online poker strategies (and the worst), you’ll probably have come across the term “donk” betting and wondered if it’s something you should be paying more attention to.
But what is “donk” betting in poker? Is it a must? If so, where is donk betting’s place in your unique strategy? Read on for answers.
What Does “Donk” Mean?
First, why is the type of bet in question called a “donk” bet? The term “donk” in poker is a derogatory way of referring to an inexperienced or “bad” player — usually one who doesn’t have a complete grasp on the game’s rules. It’s slightly different from (and more offensive than) the more commonly heard term “fish,” which is used to refer to someone who’s simply new to the gambling world but working hard to improve their skills.
The term “donk” derives from the word “donkey.” Donkeys are known to be stubborn and relatively thoughtless — qualities that most well-versed poker players believe inexperienced yet audacious players have, too.
What Is a Donk Bet in Poker?
A donk bet is usually a small, leading bet made by the non-aggressor in the hand. It is always made by the player who’s out of position (betting first) postflop. So, for example, a player raises just before the flop, causing another player to “call” to defend the big blind. Following the flop, the player in the big blind leads with a bet, and this is called a donk bet.
Because this type of bet is named after the sort of player highlighted above (the sort of player that nobody strives to be), it’s easy to assume that it revolves around a betting strategy that good poker players should be avoiding. But it isn’t quite that simple.
Is a Donk Bet an Acceptable Part of a Good Poker Strategy?
Back in the day, the answer would be “no.” Ultimately, as explained above, this type of betting is unconventional and usually employed by inexperienced players who don’t understand how important position is when making a leading bet. But, in modern times, many of the world’s most respected poker pros employ donk betting occasionally in their play. That’s the secret, though: the key to successful donk bet poker strategies is to use the approach very rarely (maybe 1 or 2% of the time) to confuse your opponents and keep them on their toes.
When Is the Right Time To Place a Donk Bet?

As German poker pro Dominik Nitsche explains, while it’s still somewhat controversial in professional poker, donk betting can be a favorable play in certain instances, such as placing the leading bet when a card is dealt that favors your range.
It’s also considered an acceptable play when put to work in low to middling dynamic flop textures (where many turn cards have the potential to alter equity distribution) to stop an opponent from taking a free card. Of course, it also makes it possible for you to name your price when it comes to your vulnerable hands and draws.
Having said that, if you’re thinking about if and when to donk bet, most experienced players insist that it’s better never to donk at all rather than to try it and execute it incorrectly.
Is Donk Betting Necessary for Poker Success
Definitely not. There are countless professionals out there who have managed to accumulate great success without donk betting even once. But if it is something you’d like to incorporate to prevent becoming too predictable in your gameplay, then feel free to experiment and see if it works for you. Keep in mind, of course, that it’s extremely difficult to get right.
What Does Donk Betting Teach?
Donk betting essentially reminds players of the importance of position in poker, regardless of whether you’re playing in-person at a land-based casino or online. It’s not just about the cards that you (or your opponents) are dealt or the strategy you’re implementing. Ultimately, you can’t donk bet when you’re “in” position, which is when the vast majority of reputable players play most of their hands.
In short, if you’re looking to optimize your poker skills and strategy, it will be much more worthwhile researching poker positions and using them to your advantage than researching how to execute fool-proof donk betting. So, study up. You’ll be glad you did.
Alternatives to Donk Betting
In the high-stakes world of online poker, strategy and psychology are usually at the forefront of most game plans. However, if you’re looking to diversify your arsenal of unconventional poker strategies, there are a few alternatives to donk betting that you could try. These strategic variations keep your opponents guessing and add an extra layer of complexity to your game, giving you the upper hand in the battle of wits on the felt table.
One of the classic alternatives to donk betting is check-raising. Instead of leading with a bet on the flop, you check to your opponent, allowing them to make the first move. Once they do, you seize the opportunity to raise their bet, putting them in a difficult spot. This move can induce bluffs, extract more value from strong hands, and create an element of surprise in your gameplay.
Float and Delayed C-Betting
Float and delayed c-betting is a sophisticated strategy that involves calling your opponent’s bet on the flop with a relatively weak hand. The idea is to wait for a favorable turn card to strike back with a bet or a raise. This approach keeps your opponents confused about the strength of your hand and can often lead to more profitable outcomes, especially when you’ve got a good read on the other players at the table.
The Stop-and-Go
This unique tactic involves checking on the flop, allowing your opponent to make a bet, and then quickly pushing all in, putting more pressure on them. The stop-and-go works best when you have a short stack.
Probe Bets
Instead of donk betting, consider incorporating probe bets into your list of poker strategies. Sometimes called a “feeler bet,” a probe bet is usually played against aggressive competitors and is only possible on the turn or the river. This maneuver is usually used if you were not the aggressor in the previous betting round, and its primary purpose is to determine whether your opponent has a strong hand or not. A well-executed probe bet not only helps control the pot’s size but also extracts value from weaker hands while introducing an element of unpredictability into your gameplay.
Block Bets
A block bet is a poker term used to describe a small to moderate-sized bet made by a player on the river and is often used when a player wants to control the size of the pot and protect their hand from larger bets while still extracting some value from it. The main purpose of a block bet is to prevent a larger bet from an opponent. It’s typically used when a player has a moderately strong hand but doesn’t want to face a substantial bet or a potential all-in raise.
Straddle Bets
A straddle bet is a voluntary blind bet, typically double the big blind, placed by the player to the left of the big blind in poker games. The main goal of a straddle is to increase the size of the pot, but it also encourages action and intensifies the game with more possibilities for aggressive play.
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Are you looking to improve your online poker strategy? Discover the ins and outs of “donk” betting and when using this approach is acceptable.