In the world of poker, there is a big difference between multi-table tournaments and multi-tabling tournaments.
A multi-table tournament is one with more than one table in play, more than a sit-and-go tournament and typically with no limit as to how many players can buy in. Multi-tabling tournaments is the ability to play more than one cash game or tournament at a time, almost exclusively done in online poker.
In live poker, if two tournaments are playing close to each other, a player could – technically – play both tournaments, running back and forth between the tournaments to play hands. In most cases, however, it is not wise. And poker rooms do not permit customers to play two cash game tables at the same time.
Online poker presents the opportunity to multi-table cash games and tournaments, just keep in mind that mixing the two is ill-advised. Tournament play is the most common for players who like to multi-table, as it minimizes the boredom that can come from folding in tournaments and gives players the chance to cash in multiple events in the same period.
Multi-Tabling Poker: Strategies for Managing Multiple Tables
Poker players who are new to multi-tabling should start slow, trying just two tournaments at one time. Most computer screens or tablets can show more than one table at a time, which allows you to track the players and the action at both tables simultaneously.
The best tips for multi-tabling in online poker tournaments include these ways to play two tables but avoid mix-ups:
- Use a four-color deck. This option is available in your account settings. The four-color deck makes it easier to see all of the suits and avoid confusing hearts and diamonds or spades and clubs.
- Avoid distractions. Don’t try to listen to a podcast, watch television, livestream, or talk on the phone as a beginner multi-tabler. Gain experience with total focus before adding a potential distraction to the mix.
- Take notes. Use the note-taking function in your online poker account or pull out a trusty pen and paper to take notes on opponents. Write down key hands to review later, and always pull hand histories to review hands you won and lost to find any patterns.
- Avoid fancy or complicated plays. When balancing two or more tables, especially in the beginning, focus on playing in position and mostly premium hands, ones that are recommended as the top hands for multi-table poker.
Once two-tabling online poker feels more comfortable, you can mix up your play, implement more strategies, and even add more tables.
Best Monitor for Poker Multi-Tabling: Choosing the Right Setup
If you find that multi-tabling online poker is a net positive, you may decide to do more tables and/or multi-table more often. In this case, you should invest in a high-quality computer monitor or, possibly dual monitors.
Obviously, the larger the screen and the higher the resolution, the better you will be able to see more tables in perfect focus. Many players use 27” screens to 43” screens to multi-table from two to 20 tables at one time. The larger screens require more distance between you and your screen, so many players prefer the 20-something-inch computer screen.
If you choose to use two screens, you want to stay on the lower end of screen size and use the cross-screen functionality to see all of your tables.
Brands and resolutions vary based on personal preference. In addition, new products hit the market on a regular basis. Most good electronic outlets will employ a customer service representative with a background in gaming, so ask that person for recommendations that fit your space and financial means.
Play Poker Online at BetMGM Poker
Try multi-tabling online poker cash games or tournaments at very low stakes to start. This will provide some insight and let you know if this is the right way for you to play.
When you play poker online at BetMGM, you can find many micro-stakes tournaments that are good for first-time multi-tabling. And use the online poker welcome bonus to make the most of your first deposit, which you can clear faster by multi-tabling.
Online poker is the ideal setting for playing multi-table tournaments or cash games for maximum profitability.