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How to Play Different Board Textures

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How to Play Different Board Textures

A royal flush sitting on top of scattered poker chips.

When playing poker online, you’re up against opponents of all skill levels, meaning understanding information – from body language to community cards – is vital to differentiate yourself from competitors. Understanding the various board textures is a great way to assert control over the round. Let’s take a look at how to play effectively on different board textures.

Types of board textures

Board texture relates to the community cards placed down by the dealer and the range of hands that are possible to achieve. More importantly, it helps to influence your post-flop strategy as you’re able to dissect what hand ranges you have versus what you predict opponents to have or what is possible to achieve if certain cards appear. For example, if the flop is a 4 of clubs, 7 of hearts and 8 of hearts, then you know the possible hand ranges are a straight or flush. Understanding this is crucial for beginner players looking to avoid making silly bets or not noticing better hands available and betting big. 

A poker player holds two kings at a poker table in a casino.

Before discussing the specific board textures, it’s important to understand the general textures – namely, a dry and a wet board. The flop is the first piece of information you get from the dealer, so it’s important to be focused and pick up on how players react to the cards dealt.

A wet board occurs when there is an array of hand possibilities from the flop, turn and river, therefore making the game more exciting but difficult as multiple players will often have strong hands or attempt aggressive strategies. For example, a wet board would be a king of hearts, ace of hearts and 3 of hearts. Notice how there are many possible hands, such as a flush, straight, or a strong double pair. However, it’s important to note that wet texture boards often result in less fold equity for your continuation bets, meaning aggressive players tend to bluff and attempt to steal the pot more often.

A dry board is a low-scoring round and one that presents little opportunity for a strong hand but is the ideal scenario for bluffing through continuation betting. For example, if the flop is a queen of clubs, 7 of hearts and 2 of spades, then it presents very little connectivity as there is no flush draw, a straight is very unlikely and they’re low-scoring cards. Often low-scoring hands, such as double pairs or strong single pairs, can take the win.

Reading the board textures in poker is one of the most effective ways to get a gist of what your opponents may have. From here, you can strategize accordingly, making yourself a more economical player. So, what are the different board textures in poker?

Monotone board

The texture of a board is determined by the community cards dealt by the dealer. A monotone texture occurs when the first three cards (the flop) all share the same suit, such as an ace, 10 and 5 of hearts.

When a monotone board in poker occurs, it often leads to a high-risk, high-reward round, as multiple players will often have a flush – the winner depends on who has the highest-ranking card. So, if you do not have a flush during these rounds, it’s probably best to fold and let others go head-to-head. On the other hand, if you’re holding cards of the same suit, try not to divert attention toward you; rather check or make value bets.

Paired board

As the name suggests, a paired board in poker happens when the flop contains a pair, for instance, an 8 of hearts, 8 of spades and a jack of diamonds. This is one of the most common board textures in poker as statistically, 17% of flops will have a pair and if not, then there’s a 26% chance of a pair on the river.

Regarding post-flop strategy, there are many angles to play a paired board structure, such as frequently utilizing continuation bets if you raised the pre-flop or if you’re out of position. This board texture presents a great opportunity to steal pots, so try to make the most of them and play more aggressively than in other scenarios, as your opponents won’t have strong hands.

Rainbow board

A gambling hand points to poker cards on a green felt table with poker chips and a glass of cognac.

A rainbow board happens when a flop produces all different suits, such as a king of hearts, 10 of diamonds and 2 of clubs. Depending on the connectivity of the board, this is often another low-scoring round, resulting in a more straightforward round, as players can’t bully others with aggression like they can in other scenarios. This is another c-bet situation; however, if there are possibilities for a straight from the community cards, be cautious if someone checks or raises you.

Two-tone board

This occurs when there are two suits on the flop. For example, a 7 of hearts, 9 of hearts and queen of clubs. This is perhaps the most technical texture to play, especially if the flop is connected (such as a 7–9) because of the number of hand ranges available. Because of this, betting tends to be higher, so continuation bets become less effective. Try to let other players do the betting for you and call what comes your way, so you stay under the radar. However, if you have weak cards, it’s best to fold and hold on to your chips, as there’s a good chance an opponent has a stronger hand.

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Understanding the various board textures is a great way to assert control over the round. We discuss how to play effectively on the different board textures.