Poker will never be predictable, no matter how much effort you put into improving your online poker skills. Of course, that’s a big part of why the game is so exciting and boasts over 50 million players in the U.S. alone.
As all gamblers who play poker know, the game is about so much more than just the unpredictability as the dealer hands each player their cards. It also revolves around your people-reading skills and ability to adapt your poker tournament strategy according to the type of players you’re going up against at the table. The good news is that most beginner and intermediate players play their cards in such a way that it’s possible to figure out their “tells.” But what happens when you’re facing a player who tends to play aggressively, wildly, and unpredictably regardless of the cards they hold? Read on to find out how to be a better poker player by adjusting your poker strategy when facing unpredictable opponents.
How To Spot an Unpredictable, “Wild” Poker Player

There’s a difference between an experienced player who changes up their strategy as they go, making it challenging for you to figure out how they make their decisions, and a player who dives ferociously into the game without taking time to analyze their cards, compare their odds or use the most basic poker strategy. This type of player plays very loose, rarely folds, and doesn’t bat an eye when making frequent wild bluffs despite having absolutely nothing to back it up. This is a common mistake that you should avoid in poker.
Unfortunately, these untamed antics can often lead to the player getting the better of their opponents, all of whom are desperately trying to find a pattern to their behavior. The reality is that there usually isn’t a pattern to find.
The Best Strategy for Beating Out a “Wild” Player
First and foremost, it’s vital not to allow a reckless opponent to throw you off. Keep your head in the game, be patient, and make peace with the fact that you’re not going to “figure them out.” All that you can really do is play your own hands to the best of your ability.
Many poker pros insist that the best course of action when going up against an especially loose gambler is to take an approach to your gameplay that directly opposes theirs. Play things tight and proceed only with hands that you feel fairly confident will put you in good standing to rake in a win.
Throwing caution to the wind and playing just as unpredictably and loosely as your challenger will only lead to a battle of egos, often resulting in both players forgetting to put their poker skills to good use and relying on the luck of the draw to beat out their opponent.
Finding the Balance Between Wild and Unpredictable Play

Once you’ve challenged a “wild” gambler at the poker table — whether or not you came out on top — you’ll realize just how infuriating the experience can be and, as such, you’ll probably want to take action to ensure players don’t view your playing style in a similar light in future. So, how do you walk the fine line between playing with total reckless abandon and playing more strategically to avoid coming across as “too predictable” in your decisions?
The answer is quite simple: always think before you act. Keep this rule of thumb in mind while also:
- Mixing up your continuation bets and your raising range.
- Not making the same types of decisions too quickly or too slowly (such as immediately raising when you get good cards).
- Not raising the same amount according to the strength of your hands.
- Barreling with a wider range.
Optimizing Your Poker Skills
There’s no better way to become an unpredictable player and successfully adjust your poker tournament strategy than by optimizing your poker skills. Luckily, there are many opportunities to do this and see a boost in your win rate. You’ll want to practice as much as possible by playing poker games online. If you have a limited bankroll, enjoy a balance between playing online poker for money and playing friendly games with friends and relatives to help you find a winning poker strategy.
Along with playing online casino games for practice, you can also hire a poker coach, sign up to take a poker course, and read books about poker by respected table game professionals. Go ahead and beat good poker players with all the time you’re putting in.
It’s also worthwhile to use the various learning tools at your disposal, such as poker analysis software and poker solvers. Remember, though, that some online casinos don’t allow real-time assistance (RTA) tools when participating in tournaments.
Play Poker Games Online at BetMGM
BetMGM is your go-to for the best online poker games on the internet. Play Texas Hold’em poker, video poker, and live dealer casino games to your heart’s content. Our online casino platform offers access to various online poker tournaments, including 70 daily tournaments and the ever-popular sit-and-go tournaments.
Are you new to the world of poker and need some poker strategies? BetMGM’s virtual poker school is full of helpful online poker guides, tournament strategy tips, and charts to help you get started. You can learn how to beat loose, aggressive players and so much more.
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Find out how to adapt your poker tournament strategy according to the type of players you’re going up against.