MGM National Harbor in Maryland is another MGM Resorts property I love. I was a regular in the high stakes cash games for a few years after this property opened.
Nowadays, I usually get down there a few times a year for tournaments, and I always enjoy it, not only for all the amenities at the hotel and casino, but for the surrounding area. There’s so much to see and do in Maryland, or across the Potomac River in Alexandria, VA or Washington, D.C.
I share my favorite MGM National Harbor restaurant (and what dish I always order) and my best room hack when playing a tournament on property — or any property for that matter. Plus, I give you the insight on why I think the Poker Room there is so popular, which I also went more in-depth on in my recent MGM National Harbor Poker Room review article.
Poker pro Darren Elias plays worldwide, but he is especially fond of certain casino properties and poker rooms, such as the MGM National Harbor.