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A Crash Course on Continuation Betting in Poker

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A Crash Course on Continuation Betting in Poker

What is a C-Bet in poker?

A continuation bet — or C-Bet for short — is one of the most commonly used terms and concepts you’ll hear in the game of poker. The continuation bet is seen in all stakes of games, tournaments, cash games, and even mixed games.

So what is a continuation bet, how does it work, and why is it important to know?

What is a C Bet in Poker?

I would define a continuation bet as the preflop aggressor continuing their aggression on later street while that player still has the initiative. This can manifest in many different forms. C-Bets are used in single raised pots, 3-bet pots, 4-bet pots, and don’t even necessarily need to be on the flop.

We even have “delayed continuation bets” which occur on later streets. The key in understanding a C-Bet is that the preflop aggressor is continuing the aggression on later streets without a break in flow. 

Why Is Understanding the Continuation Bet So Important?

One of the most important facets of understanding the continuation bet is the relationship between players’ ranges. (A range would be defined as the group of possible hands a player can have in a given situation.) Typically the player putting in the last raise preflop is representing a stronger range of hands. This player that usually holds the best hand frequently wants to press their perceived advantage and put in more money in the form of a continuation bet.

On the other side of this equation, we won’t typically see players leading out into the preflop aggressor out of flow as they are typically holding a weaker range of hands. There are some special circumstances where leading is the preferred play, but they are few and far between. In poker, there are always going to be exceptions to strategic guidelines!

Things To Consider When Making a Continuation Bet

Professional players’ continuation bet percentage depends on a number of variables, but it is almost always above 50% globally. You will see most players C-Betting more often than not, especially when in position. Position is one of the many factors that plays into our C-Betting strategy.

Another major factor is known as board texture. How does this flop (or board) connect with my range compared to my opponent’s range? Does my opponent have a lot of weak holdings on this particular flop? Medium-strength holdings? Very-strong holdings? These are the questions players should be asking themselves when building a C-Betting strategy.  

What Bet Size To Use When Continuation Betting

Another very important concept in regards to C-Betting is bet sizing. Different situations call for different sizes and we should look to understand why this occurs. Determining the right amount to bet and how often to bet are decisions based on the relationship between our range, our opponent(s)’ range, and the board texture. 

Oftentimes, how much to bet and how often to bet are correlated. For example, in situations where our opponent has a range of many weak holdings (defending the Big Blind for example), and we have a dry board texture (KK2 rainbow flop), the best strategy is going to be using a small bet size with high frequency. As our opponent is going to have a lot of weak holdings that do not connect with this board, we can be more efficient using a smaller bet size to achieve the same effect as a bigger bet size. This concept of frequency and bet sizing being linked is one that is seen in a number of poker situations, not just including continuation betting. 

C Bets and Technology

Computer programs have helped us gain more clarity on theoretically optimal C-Betting strategies. With the evolution of computers being used in poker study, we have been given the “solutions” to nearly every situation in poker. While attempting to memorize these “solutions” for the myriad of possible situations in poker would not be a fruitful endeavor, trying to understand why a computer chooses a certain strategy is a different story. Top players these days feel much more comfortable in their C-Betting strategies as they understand the mechanics behind why they are doing what they are doing.

Whether you’re a top professional or a recreational player just learning the rules, understanding continuation betting will be vital to your success. C-betting too often, not often enough, or for the wrong sizes can give us a number of problems both immediately in the hand and on later streets. And while everything in poker depends on the situation, I hope this brief primer will help lay a foundation on the idea of the continuation bet.

To try out continuation betting, register and play online at BetMGM Poker now.